Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crack ain't always Wack!

Philadelphia, just like Boston, is a city that has a lot of history. It’s one of the bigger cities that played a big role in the American. Today I got a chance to look at to get closer look a Philly and its history, and I was pretty impressed.

Our day started with an appointment with the Liberty Bell. As we were in line heading inside the museum I noticed that the rangers were very adamant about order. I overheard on of them asking a patron in line to make sure they spit out their gum and then I heard someone in our group whisper, “What are they gonna do? Patch up the Liberty Bell?” Although I laughed, I couldn’t help but see the truth in what they were saying as well. Was it really that serious? I mean it’s just a bell right? And why hasn’t anyone patched up that crack yet?

But after finally looking at the Liberty Bell, my thoughts changed fairly quickly. My immediate thought about the Liberty Bell was that of history, and how much the liberty Bell was an embodiment of American history. Looking at it, I think that the majority of the Bell represents the rich, interesting history that America has, but the crack represents the dark side of American History. It represents the parts of our history that we aren’t too keen on sharing, but are still a part of our history.

And the thing about the Liberty Bell is that part of its value is in the crack. People appreciate the bell more because of its crack, not less. I think there’s lesson about honesty to be learned here. What if America did that? What if our country was honest about the things that make it seem not so attractive? How much more would the world and even some of our own citizens appreciate our country? Let’s be honest, America is not the perfect country and probably never will be, so why try to pretend?

But this isn’t even just a global issue, it’s personal as well. What if everyone was willing to embrace their faults rather than try to hide them? I can’t help but wonder how much better off the country would be if we all were honest with our selves. But unfortunately we live in a society where perfection is the goal; despite the fact that one of our oldest historical icons has an obvious imperfection. All I can say is look at the Bell, show your cracks, and be liberated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this entry, Cory! Especially the title.

Hmm... truth-telling and transparency as a means to healing/restoration for ourselves and our country?

I like the idea... But, I'll keep hiding my crack(s) until I see a few others embracing the concept ;-)!

Welcome back, btw.